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Original Lithograph
Henri Matisse - "Algue Blanche sur fond Rouge" - Original Lithograph - 1960
Christo -"Galeria Joan Prats" Lithograph Exhibition Poster, 1977
Josep Guinovart - Galeria Carmen Durango - Lithograph Exhibition Poster - 1980
Eduardo Chillida - '"Olympics Munich 1972" - Original Lithograph Poster 1972
IGNAZ EPPER - "Portrait of a Girl" - Original Lithograph, 1919
GEORGE GROSZ - "Card Players" - Original Offset Lithograph (Ecce Homo), 1923
all Original Lithograph
Handsigned Lithograph
Adochi - Abstract Composition - Hand signed Pigment Print (S/N - 19/25)
Jörg Remé - "Composition" - Hand Signed Colour Lithograph, 1972 (SN - 12/100)
Wolff Buchholz - "Compostion" - Handsigned Lithograph, 1963
Wolff Bauer - "Composition" - Handsigned Screenprint, 1975
Wilhelm Schlote - "Amsterdam" - Hand signed Color offset Lithograph
Fujio Akai - "Year Cicle - July " - Lithograph - Handsigned, 1990
all Handsigned Lithograph
Handsigned Etching
CEES BOLDING - "Two Veluwe Farmers" - Hand signed Etching - ca. 1945 (S/N - 19/25)
Carl Ernst Morgenstern - "Selesian Landscape" - Original Etching (Signature Stamp) - 1983
Reinhard Drenkhahn - "Lobster" - Orignal Etching (Studio Stamp) - 1979
DANIEL ARGIMON - "Compostion" - Handsigned Colour Etching (HC) - 1977
Richard Haas - "Copley Square, Boston " - Handsigned Colour Etching, 1993
Nicola Sene - "Couple" - Hand signed Color Etching ,1980
all Handsigned Etching
Exhibition Poster
Jim Dine - "Still life" - Original Offset Lithograph Exhibition Poster, 1978
Alexander Calder - "Boomerang Tel Aviv" - Offset Lithograph Poster, Plate Signed, 1977
Andy Warhol - " Mick Jagger 1975 " - Offset Lithograph Exhibition Poster
Jim Dine - "Heart" - Original exhibition Poster, 1983
Jim Dine - "Heart" - Large Original Offset Lithhograph Exhibition Poster, 1983
Saul Steinberg - "Persian Rug" - Offset Lithograph Poster, 1974
all Exhibition Poster
Handsigned Giclée
Ernst Fuchs - "Flowers" - Original Limited edition Giclée on Paper
Ernst Fuchs - "Lady with yellow Hood" - Original Limited edition Giclée on Paper
Ernst Fuchs - "Blue Vase" - Original Limited edition Giclée on Paper
Marcel Belvisi - "Provence" - Handsigned Giclee
Peter Handel - "Sunlight II" - Photorealist - Handsigned Giclée on handmade cotton paper
Peter Handel - "Louise" - Photorealist - Handsigned (S/N - 43/50)
all Handsigned Giclée
Christo - "The Gates - New York Central Park" - Photo Offset
Christo - "Valley Curtain, Rifle, Colorado 1970-72" - Original Photo Offset, 1972
Robert Mapplethorpe - "William S. Burroughs" - Original Photograph, 1982
Fritz Brill - "Vase with negative shade, Hofgelsmar 1949" - Gelatin Silver Print - 2004
Christo -"Pont neuf, Paris" - Large Photo Offset, 1985
Victor Bockris - "Portrait William S. Burroughs" - Original Photograph - 1984
all Photography
Offset Lithograph
Saul Steinberg - "Illustration VII" - Limited edition Offset Lithograph published by Galerie Maeght - 1983
Saul Steinberg - "Illustration II" - Limited edition Offset Lithograph published by Galerie Maeght - 1983
Paul Klee - "Garden After Thunderstorm" - Colour Offset Lithograph - 1986
Max Ernst - "Natural History" - Colour Offset lithograph - 1991
Shan Merry
Herbert Bayer - "erkauf- und Werbekiosk, Zigarettenmarke P" - Colour Offset Lithograph Poster
all Offset Lithograph
Original Screen Print
Susan Fateh - "Composition" - Original Screen Print - 1988
Marie-Jo Lafontaine - " A Fleurs du Mal " - Large original Serigraph - 1999
Erwin Bechtold - Original Screen Print Poster - 1975 (RARE)
Peter Phillips - "Olympics Munich 1972" - Original Lithograph / Screenprint with Emboss - 1972
Vladimir Velickovic - "Course" - Original Serigraph 1978
Almir Mavignier - "Composition" - Silkscreen Poster 1995
all Original Screen Print
Salvador Dali - "Virgil's Admonishment" - Woodblock engraving - 1960 - Print Signed
Hab Grieshaber - "Social Democrats Vote Initiative" - Large original Woodcut, 1976
Ben Joosten - "Typograph Composition" - Hand Signed Woodcut - (S/N - 3/3)
HAB Grieshaber - "The Fool" - Original Colour Woodcut, 1966
Ben Joosten
HAB Grieshaber - "The Blind" - Original Colour Woodcut, 1966
all Woodcut
Tracey Emin - "Singing Bird" - Multiple - Tatoo Sticker
Keith Haring - "Hands up" - Multiple Bookmark - ©Haring Estate Embossed in the Metal
Keith Haring - "Skater" - Multiple Bookmark - ©Haring Estate Embossed in the Metal
all Multiple
Handsigned Screenprint
Michael Hoffmann - "Village at Sea" - Hand Signed Linocut - 1980 - (SN-60/100)
Mario Radice - "Pink Abstract Composition" - Hand signed Screenprint, 1975 (S/N - 89/100)
Horst Egon Kalinowski - "Blaton" - Hand Signed Screen Print Poster - 1969
Erber Wolfram - "Compostion" - Hand Signed Screen Print - 1977
Erwin Bechtold - Handsigned Screenprint - 1972
Erwin Bechtold - "Fingerdinger" - Hand signed Screenprint - 1971 (S/N - PA)
all Handsigned Screenprint
Mixed Media
Joseph Beuys - "Filzpostkarte" - Silkscreen on Felt
Franz Marc - "Grazing Horses IV - Red Horses" - Vintage Facsimile - 1962
Richard Seewald - "Greek Shipyard" - Aquarell on Lithograph, Hand Signed, 1974
Cornelis Kloos - "Nude" - Pencil Drawing - 1936
Gerhard Richter - "1024 Farben" - Original Tufted Printed Fine Nylon - Vorwerk - 1988
Gerhard Richter - "1024 Farben" - Original Tufted Printed Fine Nylon - Vorwerk - 1988
all Mixed Media
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